+49 (0) 221 47 67 10-0

Jacqueline Volmari´s legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. Her areas of expertise are focused on questions of work constitution law and questions of protection against dismissal. In addition, she has particular experience in restructurings as well as in co-determination management.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Cologne

  • Career

    born in Paderborn

    Study of Law at the University of Cologne

    Research assistant at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, Cologne

    Legal training at Noerr, Düsseldorf

    Admission to the German Bar

    Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law

  • Publications

    Arbeitsplatzerhaltungspflicht und Boni-/Dividendenverbote aufgrund von
    , beck-online, 01/2023

    Neues zur Meinungsfreiheit im Arbeitsverhältnis – Über die aktuelle EGMR-Rechtsprechung zur Meinungsfreiheit und ihre Auswirkungen auf Entscheidungen deutscher Arbeitsgerichte, ArbRB, 2021, S. 83

    Keine Bürgenhaftung eines Bauherrn nach dem AEntG, DB, 2020, S. 83

    Kündigung eines Betriebsratsmitglieds wegen Betriebsstilllegung, EWiR, 2020, S. 123

    Die Rückforderung von variablen Vergütungsbestandteilen durch Clawback-Klauseln, ArbRB, 2019, S. 26

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Letzte Beiträge

The draft bill on the recording of working time: Nothing new from the BMAS.

The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG) ruled on 13 September 2022 (we reported on this earlier: “Obligation to record working hours in [...]

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From Nuremberg to Bologna? The FLC on cross-border transfers

How flexible do workers need to be in the international and globalised environment in which they work? Under certain conditions, they must even be prepared to [...]

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+49 (0) 221 47 67 10-0

Jacqueline Volmari´s legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. Her areas of expertise are focused on questions of work constitution law and questions of protection against dismissal. In addition, she has particular experience in restructurings as well as in co-determination management.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Cologne


born in Paderborn

Study of Law at the University of Cologne

Research assistant at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, Cologne

Legal training at Noerr, Düsseldorf

Admission to the German Bar

Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law