Associated Partner
+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Anne Hoßfeld`s legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. Her areas of expertise are focused on the establishment and structuring of employment relationships, their handling and termination as well as corporate co-determination. Dr. Hoßfeld has in-depth knowledge of construction employment law, in particular the employment of external personnel, (pseudo) self-employment, the application of construction and social security collective agreements, minimum working conditions and secondments.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main

  • Career

    Study of Law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and at the University of Geneva

    Compulsory legal training at the Higher Regional Court in Koblenz as well as in leading employers’ associations

    Admission to the German Bar

    Lawyer in the legal department of the employers’ association chemistry and related industries of the state of Hessen e.V., Wiesbaden

    Research Assistant at the institute for civil and civil procedure law of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas, Zürich

    PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas at the University Zürich on third party cpmmitments under arbitration agreements

    Lawyer in the litigation and arbitration department at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Frankfurt am Main

    Lawyer at Kapellmann, Frankfurt am Main

    Managing Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law

    Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

    Associated Partner at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

  • Publications

    Handbook Vienna Rules – A Practitioner’s Guide, Verlag WKÖ Service GmbH 2014, Articles 25 and 41

    Die Abtretung schieds- und gerichtsstandsgebundener Forderungen, Peter Lang Verlag 2013

    Die (neue) ZPO und die Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, ASA Bulletin 2/2012, p. 312-348

    Schiedsvereinbarungen zwischen Gesellschaft und GmbH- Geschäftsführer, in Festschrift für Uwe H. Schneider zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Ulrich Burgart et al., Otto Schmidt Verlag 2011, p. 407-427

    Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil v. 13.4.2011, IV ZR204/09 (Eintritt des entfernteren Abkömmlings in das gesetzliche Erbrecht bei letztwilliger Ausschließung des näheren Abkömmlings), ZEV 2011, p. 366

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Letzte Beiträge

No short-time work allowance for employees of companies without a permanent establishment in Germany

Companies with seats abroad are not entitled to short-time work allowance if they do not have a permanent establishment in Germany. According to a recent [...]

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Associated Partner
+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Anne Hoßfeld`s legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. Her areas of expertise are focused on the establishment and structuring of employment relationships, their handling and termination as well as corporate co-determination. Dr. Hoßfeld has in-depth knowledge of construction employment law, in particular the employment of external personnel, (pseudo) self-employment, the application of construction and social security collective agreements, minimum working conditions and secondments.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main


Study of Law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and at the University of Geneva

Compulsory legal training at the Higher Regional Court in Koblenz as well as in leading employers’ associations

Admission to the German Bar

Lawyer in the legal department of the employers’ association chemistry and related industries of the state of Hessen e.V., Wiesbaden

Research Assistant at the institute for civil and civil procedure law of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas, Zürich

PhD thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas at the University Zürich on third party cpmmitments under arbitration agreements

Lawyer in the litigation and arbitration department at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Lawyer at Kapellmann, Frankfurt am Main

Managing Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law

Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

Associated Partner at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main