Welcome to the Workplace Blog!

In this Blog we write about topics from the Workplace Law and HR world: We discuss important court decisions and planned legislations, give practical tips and share with you experiences from our daily working life…

The team appreciates your comments and feedback. We are looking forward to a lively exchange!

Your PWWL editorial team

Christine Wahlig
Attorney at law
Editorial Management

Alice Tanke
Marketing Manager


Bits and bites from our professional world… whether it’s legal issues, HR sequences or simply the “ordinary daily madness”, you will find it all at “Spotlights”.

International employee assignments (secondment, workation) – less bureaucracy due to the lapse of the written form requirement?

In case of secondments and workations of more than four weeks, the essential conditions applicable to the stay abroad no longer have to be in writing as in the [...]

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Lawfulness of Pre-Employment Screenings under Data Protection Law

Introduction It is becoming increasingly common for employers to carry out their own pre-employment screenings or background checks before selecting [...]

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“Risks and Side Effects of the Fictitious Certificate” – The Current Administrative Practice of Foreigners’ Authorities put to the Test

The shortage of skilled workers, which has persisted for years, and the associated need for a high level of skilled worker immigration in order to secure [...]

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Employers’ duty of care and employers’ options for action during the Ukraine crisis

What’s new in 2022: The most important changes in labour law this year

Bounty hunters on the move – Bug Bounties in the employment relationship

Update Employee Data Protection: New EU Standard Data Protection Clauses for International Data Transfer

Introduction of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work (eAU)

Will the transposition of the Whistleblower Directive in Germany be further delayed?

Corona, football and compensations

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