Associated Partner
+49 (0) 221 47 67 10-0

Kristina Schilder advises national and international corporations and groups of companies, Associations and Start-ups as well as Executives on all matters of individual and collective labor law. Her areas of expertise are focused on restructurings, drafting of employment contracts, advising on the termination of employment relationships by mutual agreement or in disputes as well as litigation representation. Kristina Schilder is very experienced in negotiating with works councils and trade unions including representing employers in establishment-level arbitration committees and supporting them in collective bargaining. A special focus of her work is on labor criminal law, HR Compliance and internal investigations as well as Environmental, Social and Governance.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Cologne

Associated Partner
+49 (0) 221 47 67 10-0

Kristina Schilder advises national and international corporations and groups of companies, Associations and Start-ups as well as Executives on all matters of individual and collective labor law. Her areas of expertise are focused on restructurings, drafting of employment contracts, advising on the termination of employment relationships by mutual agreement or in disputes as well as litigation representation. Kristina Schilder is very experienced in negotiating with works councils and trade unions including representing employers in establishment-level arbitration committees and supporting them in collective bargaining. A special focus of her work is on labor criminal law, HR Compliance and internal investigations as well as Environmental, Social and Governance.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Cologne


Study of Law at Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Compulsory legal training in Cologne and San Francisco, USA

Admission to the German Bar

2001 – 2004
Lawyer at ARCON Rechtsanwälte Schmidt-Sibeth, Heisse, Weisskopf, Kursawe, Cologne

2004 – 2007
Lawyer and Managing Associate at avocado rechtsanwälte, Cologne

Certified labor and employment law specialist

2008 – 2016
Salary Partner at avocado rechtsanwälte, Cologne

In-house lawyer at kölnmetall Arbeitgeberverband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Köln e. V., Cologne

Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Cologne

Associated Partner at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Cologne