• exceptionally competent, highly professional, very experienced, very reliable business partner

  • extremely strong in insolvency employment law

  • efficient, unagitated professional approach with great expertise, without getting lost in details

    Legal 500
  • the high degree of professionalism in technical and methodical competence, perseverance and calmness with which Mr. Lorenz acts is impressive and strongly encourages future cooperation.

    Legal 500

+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Alexander Lorenz’ legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. His areas of expertise are focused on restructurings and the reorganisation of companies including insolvency labor law as well as the development of modern employment and remuneration systems.

Furthermore, another focus of his work are works constitution law, the European Works Council and drafting and negotiating collective bargaining agreements.

He is a frequent speaker at HR conferences.

Languages: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main

  • Career

    Apprenticeship as Banker

    Study of Law at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt a. M. and at the Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen

    PhD thesis on remuneration claims in accordance with § 1155 ABGB in labor disputes, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

    Legal training at the District Court Wiesbaden

    Secondment to WestLB AG, London Branch

    Admission to the German Bar

    Lawyer at Faegre & Benson LLP, Frankfurt am Main

    Corporate Counsel Labor & Employment EMEA at Avaya Germany GmbH

    Lawyer at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP, Frankfurt am Main

    Partner at Baker Tilly Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main

    Partner at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

  • Publications

    Mutterschutz und Elternzeit: Was 2025 gilt, impulse - Netzwerk und Know-how für Unternehmer

    Arbeit 4.0 aktiv gestalten – Die Zukunft der Arbeit zwischen Agilität,, People Analytics und Digitalisierung, Co-Autor, Springer 2018, S. 47 f.

    Compliance: Arbeitsrecht und Datenschutz: Internal Investigations, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 05/2015, S. 276 f.

    Geschäfts-E-Mail: Was Arbeitnehmer dürfen und worauf Arbeitgeber achten müssen, impulse.de, 11/2013

    Was Arbeitgeber bei Mutterschutz und Elternzeit beachten müssen, impulse.de, 08/2013

    all publications
  • Awards / Activities

    • Lecturerer at HR conferences for Quadriga Hochschule, TüV Nord Akademie and Retcon AG
    • Listed by Best Lawyers as one of the recommended employment law specialists in Germany since 2021

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+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Alexander Lorenz’ legal practice encompasses all matters of individual employment law and collective employment law. His areas of expertise are focused on restructurings and the reorganisation of companies including insolvency labor law as well as the development of modern employment and remuneration systems.

Furthermore, another focus of his work are works constitution law, the European Works Council and drafting and negotiating collective bargaining agreements.

He is a frequent speaker at HR conferences.

Languages: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main

  • exceptionally competent, highly professional, very experienced, very reliable business partner

  • extremely strong in insolvency employment law

  • efficient, unagitated professional approach with great expertise, without getting lost in details

    Legal 500
  • the high degree of professionalism in technical and methodical competence, perseverance and calmness with which Mr. Lorenz acts is impressive and strongly encourages future cooperation.

    Legal 500


Apprenticeship as Banker

Study of Law at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt a. M. and at the Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen

PhD thesis on remuneration claims in accordance with § 1155 ABGB in labor disputes, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

Legal training at the District Court Wiesbaden

Secondment to WestLB AG, London Branch

Admission to the German Bar

Lawyer at Faegre & Benson LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Corporate Counsel Labor & Employment EMEA at Avaya Germany GmbH

Lawyer at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Partner at Baker Tilly Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main

Partner at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main