Welcome to the Workplace Blog!

In this Blog we write about topics from the Workplace Law and HR world: We discuss important court decisions and planned legislations, give practical tips and share with you experiences from our daily working life…

The team appreciates your comments and feedback. We are looking forward to a lively exchange!

Your PWWL editorial team

Christine Wahlig
Attorney at law
Editorial Management

Alice Tanke
Marketing Manager

Labour Court 2.0 – Virtual courtroom sessions

German court proceedings are characterised by the principles of publicity, immediacy and orality. These principles are expressed in a hearing in which all [...]

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Labour law measures in the Corona crisis, status March 24, 2020

The Corona crisis raises numerous problems of labour law that have not existed in this form before. This presents companies with hurdles in dealing with the [...]

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Impact of the Corona virus in the workplace

The new Corona virus (COVID-19) is spreading all over the world and is dominating the global news and public life. Schools are closed, public events are [...]

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Workplace impact of pandemics like the coronavirus

We speak of a pandemic when a disease breaks out in an unrestricted manner, i.e. potentially across continents. The outbreak of a pandemic has become a reality [...]

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