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Christine Wahlig
Attorney at law
Editorial Management

Alice Tanke
Marketing Manager


Practice Makes a Champion – HS MCC 2023

In cherished tradition, Anna Franziska Hauer and Marijke van der Most met this year with students from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main to put the finishing touches to their pleadings for this year’s “Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition”. Questions arose around technical and organizational occupational health and safety, its justiciability and collective references.

The Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition is an initiative of labor law lecturers at the University of Amsterdam. Its goal is to deepen and improve knowledge of labor law at the European level. Since 2016, it has been held annually, usually always in a different European Member State. At this year’s event, which was hosted in Budapest (Hungary), the law-giving country was Italy.

We are particularly happy that the German delegation won the Moot Court Competition this year. The German team was able to prevail against 12 other member states – we congratulate “our” team very warmly and proudly on this great success!

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