+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Anna Franziska Hauer´s legal practice encompasses all issues related to individual and collective labor law. She advises companies on matters of supply of temporary workers and international posting of workers. In addition she has valuable experience in immigration law especially relating to access to the labor market for foreign employees and managers.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main

  • Career

    born in Ludwigshafen am Rhein

    Study of Law at Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg

    Student assistant and research assistant at the chair for public law, German and European Environmental Law and Comparative Law at Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg

    Research assistant, Employment Law Practice Group, Hogan Lovells LLP, Frankfurt am Main

    Legal training at Noerr LLP, Frankfurt am Main and Legal training at Buse Heberer Fromm, Sydney, Australia

    Research assistant, Employment Law Practice Group at Allen&Overy LLP, Frankfurt am Main

    Admission to the German Bar

    Associate at Greenfort Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB, Frankfurt am Main

    PhD thesis on “Security of supply as a legal concept using the example of the energy industry” supervised by Prof. Dr. Ralf Brinktrine

    Managing Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

    Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

  • Publications

    Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Fiktionsbescheinigung, ZAU, 11/2023

    Paradigmenwechsel in der Migrationspolitik? Ein Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht für die Bundesrepublik, ZAU, 11/2022

    Cloud Computing und der Datentransfer in die Vereinigten Staaten, ZAU, 09/2022

    Dissertation bei Prof. Dr. Ralf Brinktrine: Versorgungssicherheit als Rechtsbegriff am Beispiel der Energiewirtschaft, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2020

    Arbeitnehmeransprüche bei fehlender organisatorischer Selbständigkeit nach Betriebsübergang, Noerr Academy: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Arbeitsrecht 2011, Norderstedt 2012

    all publications
  • Awards / Activities

    • Listed by Best Lawyers in the category “Ones to Watch in Germany”
    • Member of the labor law working group in the German Lawyers’ Association
    • Lecturer at the Fresenius University

Letzte Beiträge

“Risks and Side Effects of the Fictitious Certificate” – The Current Administrative Practice of Foreigners’ Authorities put to the Test

The shortage of skilled workers, which has persisted for years, and the associated need for a high level of skilled worker immigration in order to secure [...]

read more

alle Beiträge

+49 (0) 69 34 87 63 9-0

Dr. Anna Franziska Hauer´s legal practice encompasses all issues related to individual and collective labor law. She advises companies on matters of supply of temporary workers and international posting of workers. In addition she has valuable experience in immigration law especially relating to access to the labor market for foreign employees and managers.

Language skills: German, English
Location: Frankfurt am Main


born in Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Study of Law at Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg

Student assistant and research assistant at the chair for public law, German and European Environmental Law and Comparative Law at Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg

Research assistant, Employment Law Practice Group, Hogan Lovells LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Legal training at Noerr LLP, Frankfurt am Main and Legal training at Buse Heberer Fromm, Sydney, Australia

Research assistant, Employment Law Practice Group at Allen&Overy LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Admission to the German Bar

Associate at Greenfort Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB, Frankfurt am Main

PhD thesis on “Security of supply as a legal concept using the example of the energy industry” supervised by Prof. Dr. Ralf Brinktrine

Managing Associate at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main

Counsel at Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law, Frankfurt/Main